Is There Any Sample Data Available For Divi / Extra?

Does the heading look familiar? You shall find the same question over and over and over again in ET Official forum as well as in different Facebook groups. The answer is NO for Divi but YES for Extra. You read it right – A fresh Extra installation can have a look of the demo at the ET site within say less than one minute time! Yes, you can have that within a minute provided you have a few posts with featured image (feels like a supermarket sale? 25% of on purchase above $1,000 – it will take much more than one minute to create a few posts with featured image).


You need Extra and a few posts with featured image.


  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading Settings. Select An Extra Theme Layout (select below) option. There are two options initially available – Default Category & Homepage. Choose Homepage and click Save Changes button at the bottom (Image 1).
  2. Make some of the posts from the available ones as Sticky (Image 2).

Featured images in sticky posts will work as the home page slider in the website.

Now let us find out how to create different layout for home page (if you are not satisfied with what you have got till now).

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> Extra -> Category Builder (Image 3). It will open an Category Layout page very similar to Divi Library. There will be two entries available Homepage & Default Category.
  2. Click on Add New button to create a new entry. It will open Add New Category Layout page. Click Load From Library and load Magazine Homepage, which is the bottom most option in the list. Give the layout a new name and save it.
  3. On the right sidebar in the same page, there is a widget named Layout Usage. Checkmark the box with caption use this layout as home layout? (Image 4)
  4. Publish the new layout. New layout is now available in the Category Layouts list and the new layout will be your home page layout.

Let us discuss about the Magazine Homepage layout briefly. This layout is displayed in Image 5. There are total five row in the layout.

  1. Featured Posts Slider: Featured images in sticky posts are used by this module.
  2. Second row displays Most Popular & Most Recent posts of selected category in reverse chronological order.
  3. Post Carousel: It displays Selected category posts in a horizontal carousel fashion.
  4. Fourth row displays selected category posts in three columns in Most Popular, Highest Rated & Most Recent sorted method.
  5. Tabbed Posts: It provides a category wise tabbed interface display of latest posts.

Hope that spending more than one minute for the home page layout design will create a beautiful experience for the visitors.

Reference Images: